About Me ......................
What initially was a hobby has now turned into a full time occupation. The first time I was attracted to glass was when my late mother bought me a 100 year old glass vase at an antique fair we were visiting one Sunday afternoon. It was bought as a birthday present and I was appreciative of the beauty of such an item that was made some 100 years ago.
I decided to try and find out more about the vase and from asking many questions in various quarters I found out the style was called "Jack-in-the-Pulpit" ~ my quest into the world of glassmaking had commenced.
I became a collector, then a dealer and finally I decided to write about what information I had gained through my research. With help from a friend I approached various publishers in the USA, as I was living there at the time. I then had my first article published in AntiqueWeek and have subsequently had many articles published Stateside by many different magazines and journals.
From those early days of writing about glass my research has led me down many avenues, talking along the way to many knowledgeable people from within the industry. It is this knowledge I have gained which has allowed me to write about many facets of the glassmaking industry and some of my articles can be found on these pages.
I sincerely hope you enjoy learning about glass and the fascination it holds for many.
Personal Profile of David M. Issitt
[Dealer in Glass specialising in British Coloured Glass, Freelance Writer and Confidential Glass Consultancy]
Name: David M. Issitt
Nationality: British Occupation: Glass Dealer, Glass Researcher and Freelance Writer.
Commenced Collecting Glass: 1986 Commenced Buying and Selling Glass: 1995 Commenced Writing about Glass: 1996 Commenced Confidential Glass Consultancy and Research Work for Clients: 1998
Highlights within my career:
Collecting Glass: Initially I worked within the Transport Industry for 30 years until I decided my collecting passion could be developed into a business buying and selling quality glass.
My first piece of glass, of significance, was a Jack-in-the-Pulpit styled vase bought for me as a birthday present by my late mother.
From around 1988 I concentrated on collecting such vases and so a large collection amassed. I wanted to know more about these vases and so I commenced to research them. Looking at archive pattern books of the leading English Glassmakers of the Victorian era, contacting other collectors and finding out as much as was possible. I took all my information and started to write a book, which is now currently being considered by a leading publisher. During my research into this style of vase I have been privileged to meet many people who are highly thought after in the world of glassmaking.
Although I do not collect as many Jack-in-the-Pulpit vases these days my passion of glass has led me to new horizons such a sculptured pieces of glass, objects made by the leading glassmakers of their times from many countries, Modern Studio Glass, Bohemian, Scandinavian, Czechoslovakian, Italian, American and not forgetting the English Glassmaker.
My knowledge of Jack-in-the-Pulpit styled vases, gained through a thorough research program, culminated in me appearing on the TV program, Collectors Lot, where a wide audience was given the opportunity to share in this wonderful style of glass.
Buying and Selling Glass: I found after many years within the Transport Industry, there was more to life than trucks and the problems they incur. So I commenced doing antique fairs and buying and selling glass at weekends. I enjoyed the camaraderie of meeting other dealers and collectors and knew that I could make a serious go of this venture. My buying and selling is now part of an overall service I offer to glass collectors' world-wide.
Writing about Glass: Having spent many hours researching Jack-in-the-Pulpit vases, I was intrigued to learn more about glass, how it was made, when it was first made, who made it - in other words the full square yard needed to be understood. Having gained information about glass I then decided that a way to share my knowledge was to write articles for leading publications. To date I have had articles published by:
The Glass Collectors Digest ~ Antique Week The Antique Dealer ~ The West Coast Peddler The Collector ~ Collectors News The Collectors Companion
+ Various Web Sites
I am currently negotiating with various publishers for future articles to be made available to the discerning glass collector through their publications. I am also working on collating information about current British art-glass designers and makers so that this information can be made readily available to collectors of contemporary art-glass by such designers and makers.
Confidential Glass Consultancy and Research Work for Clients: Through thorough research work conducted because of my passion for Jack-in-the-Pulpit vases and my eagerness to learn more about glass, I decided this year to offer a confidential research consultancy service for collectors world-wide. I am pleased to say this venture is currently proving very successful. Anyone who wishes to partake of this service should contact me direct by e-Mail to discuss the service they require for any particular piece of glass they have within their collection.
The culmination of my business has enabled me to offer clients both a friendly and personal confidential service under the banner of: "A Touch of Glass ~ England"
Throughout the past few years I have built a business, which will continue to grow in every aspect with on-line trading and other features currently, being discussed. In life most people need a goal or dream and mine is contained within my own Mission Statement.
My Mission Statement is to provide as much information about glass, its origin, and its makers and to allow others to gain a greater knowledge of the artistry of the glassmaker.
Finally let me thank you for reading my ramblings about glass and I hope that the information contained will give you a much better view of glass and that you will still be fascinated by the world of glass.
****************************************** Check out my links page for Antique Fairs details
For all your enquiries about any make of British glass please contact me by e-Mail. Confidentiality assured.
Many people have helped me through all my research into glass and glass matters and a few of those who need mention include: ~
Ann & Philip Petrides ~ Great Glass Peter Layton ~ London Glass Blowing Studios Claire Gutteridge ~ London Glass Blowing Workshop Roger Dodsworth ~ Broadfield House Glass Museum Will Shakspeare ~ Shakspeare Glass Frank Fenton ~ Fenton Art Glass of America Peter Sellers ~ Glass Dealer Stan Eveson ~ Ex Manager with Thomas Webb & Sons Tlws Johnson ~ Glass Artist Betty Pepau - Heartland Discoveries ~ Texas, USA Carl Radke ~ Phoenix Studios California, US Anne & Peter Allen ~ Glass Dealers Tony Haytor ~ 1st. Glass Ann & Roger Tye ~ Phoenix Hot Glass Tony Nesbitt ~ Glass Dealer Rosalie & Bob Dannenbaum ~ West Coast Peddler Roger & Carol Bench ~ Swanspool Antiques
All the dealers and Staff of Magpies Antiques & Collectables [Rushden]
Plus all those who have been so helpful during all my research work and to a certain person, who remains nameless, who has given me the inspiration and drive to continue to write about glass and glass related matters.
My sincere thanks to all those mentioned and those not.
I hope you find this site full of articles and photographs of glass an enjoyment .......
Comment from Bob Dannenbaum - Editor of The West Coast Peddler
David Issitt, a glass collector since 1986, retired from the English transportation industry and commenced a second career in 1995 as an antique fair dealer and picker for fellow collectors.
He began writing about glass in 1997, and established a full-time international consulting and research firm, "A Touch of Glass - England," in 1998. He's appeared on the U.K. television program, "Collectors Lot," talking about his first love, Jack-in-the-Pulpit styled vases, and is the founder of the "Jack-in-the-Pulpit Appreciation Society, " which fellow collectors may contact at ukglasswriter@yahoo.co.uk
His studies have led him far beyond that one appreciation, sweeping the field from England and American glassmakers to Bohemian, Scandinavian, and Czech, Italian and French glass - and into contemporary studio glass master works. Glass lovers are invited to learn more about his personal and confidential consulting service at www.david-issitt.1Hwy.com
"A Touch of Glass ~ England" |

"A Touch of Glass ~ England"
All images and the content of all articles on this Website are Copyright Protected. Prior permission for use should be obtained from David M. Issitt
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